What We Do
As a ministry of presence, the most important thing is “being there”.
So, we spend a lot of time at the 911 call center, fire stations, behind the windshields of fire trucks and police cars, and at critical incidents. We are on call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week – in an effort to bring comfort, consolation, hope, and help.
Here’s what we do on behalf of our heroes
in public safety:
- Routine and regular visits to various stations and departments in an effort to foster healthy, nurturing relationships with all personnel.
- Participate in routine and regular ride-alongs to visit personnel and respond to calls as needed.
- Respond to any and all critical incidents as requested by the Chief or Director in charge.
- Offer counsel and a listening ear as needed.
- Offer spiritual direction and guidance as requested.
- Offer support through intercessory prayer, both publicly and privately.
- Visit sick or injured personnel at home or in the hospital.
- Provide assistance to victims and their families in the event of significant trauma.
- Be available to attend and participate in special events such as recruit graduations, award ceremonies, and building dedications.
- Train additional volunteer chaplains as needed.
- Give or assist in giving death notifications.
- Perform weddings, funerals, and memorial services.
- Serve as a liaison with other clergies in the community.
- Serve as a ready resource for any emergency service agency.
- Assist in recruit training as requested.
- Be available to offer any other assistance to the department as requested by the Chief or Director.

GOD is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. ~ Psalm 46:1
frank@4ourheroes.org | 770-681-5964